Context: products are not visible in the CPQ cart

You have built a CPQ solution and configured your commercial products within the EPC. But when you view the cart, no products are visible or available. What now? There could be a number of things going on, causing the products not to be visible in the CPQ cart.

The problem: what could it be due to?

The Orderable box is not marked true for this product.

The solution:

Product Visibility in CPQ cart

Dhe 'Product Status' is not active

The solution:

The 'Active' box is not selected for this product

The solution:

Hhe product has an incorrect sell-by date

The solution:

Please note that products within the EPC have a start and end sale date.

Hhe product has a Context Rule that hides the product

The solution:

There is no price for this product in the price list

The solution:

Note: A product without a price is not visible in the CPQ cart.

Insufficient Maintenance jobs have been performed

The solution:

We recommend that you always have a Maintenance job after you have changed a product configuration. Then you can be sure that the product cache and the product hierarchy are properly configured for use in the CPQ Cart.

Make sure each task is completed before you start a new one. This can sometimes take a while because they are like Async jobs are executed. Progress can also be checked in Setup with keyword Apex Jobs.

If you find that you need to do these tasks often, af if you want to integrate them into your development or your CI/CD workflow, you can automate them and run them as Apex scripts:

Product Visibility in CPQ Cart

// Run jobs for hierarchy and cache

for (Pricebook2 pricebook : [SELECT Id FROM Pricebook2]) {




You can even use them as post-Deploy step run in the Vlocity Build Tool: (

In conclusion

Hopefully these tips will help you configure your EPC and CPQ. I know these problems can be really tricky to solve, but at least your products are now visible again in CPQ cart.

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