The Right Steps For An Optimal CPQ Implementation

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The Right Steps For An Optimal CPQ Implementation

As an organization, have you made the decision to embark on a CPQ journey? Ensure proper preparation and a successful CPQ implementation. In conversation with Yannick van Eldik, co-founder of CaseNine, about the steps an organization can take to be prepared. "Spend enough time defining measurable goals."

What are important reasons to consider a CPQ solution?

"The ultimate reasons for a CPQ pathway vary by organization. Looking at the energy market, for example, it is striking that there are different drivers for a CPQ trajectory. Energy is a relatively traditional market, which has begun a transformation especially in recent years. Among other things, there is a strong need for sustainability, energy is being used in other ways and energy consumption is rising. Precisely these developments require product innovations and a flexible attitude on the part of the supplier. It is important that the sales processes also remain aligned with the delivery processes. CPQ supports in optimizing sales processes and enables that flexible attitude. For example, by helping organizations offer new product combinations or by working with rates that fluctuate on an hourly basis."

What steps do you take in preparation for a CPQ implementation?

"Spend sufficient time defining measurable goals for your CPQ implementation. These can be diverse goals, which also depend on the organization embarking on the process. Think of concrete goals such as 'Reduce the time it takes to deliver a quotation by 30%' or 'With the current team, deliver 50% more quotations within the same time.' Setting these goals is a joint task, involving various roles in the organization. You can set these goals during internal sessions. We often recommend here as a starting point a session in which you are not limited by budget and timelines. Not infrequently we find that these sessions can have different outcomes and provide the necessary - healthy - discussions. For optimal results, make sure you have a good composition of participants. The team consists of colleagues who are responsible for the sales process, but also of users who turn the knobs on a daily basis. From CaseNine we can support with putting together the ideal group."

 What resources can provide further guidance?

"The outcome of the aforementioned sessions is a detailed overview that groups the topics. The next step consists of setting up a chain landscape map, KLP for short. In this overview you include the delineated processes with all components: users, internal and external systems and required actions. The chain landscape map shows the ideal situation and makes each step of the process transparent. Avoid rebuilding the current system and really start from the optimal situation. A KLP has another important feature: hang it up and make sure it is visible to the organization. All colleagues can look at it and see how the final processes take shape. A KLP is a living document: in practice, the overview can be supplemented on the basis of new insights."

Work toward one or more POCs at the earliest possible stage: that way you can test whether the process is correct, including from a user perspective.

As an organization, how do you know you are on the right track?

"Based on the KLP, you can - again with the same team - jointly define and write out stories. Work towards one or more POCs at the earliest possible stage: this way you can test whether the process is correct, also from a user perspective. An MVP also helps with this testing and also enables you to demonstrate to the rest of the organization that the process is correct. In practice, an MVP is also a powerful tool for creating support and enthusiasm."

Do you have any further tips for organizations at the beginning of a CPQ implementation?

"The right basic attitude is fundamental to smooth preparation. Realize that a CPQ solution is not an off-the-shelf product. It simplifies and speeds up processes, but it does require the necessary customization to best fit the specific needs of the organization. In this you are not alone as an organization: also in this we can contribute from CaseNine."

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Yannick van Eldik


Yannick van Eldik is a co-founder of CaseNine. Moreover, Yannick is closely involved in both sales and content projects. He helps organizations to optimally set up Salesforce solutions, but also acts as a discussion partner for strategic issues.

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